Borders, Security Barrier and Checkpoints

Evangelical Lutheran Vote Update

Delegates of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), meeting in Orlando this past week, passed an amended anti-Israel resolution titled "Peace Not Walls: Stand for Justice in the Holy Land." While the resolution was approved 668 to 269, many delegates and lay members of the church seemed to be offering only tepid support, as indicated by a much closer subsequent vote on a motion to "reconsider."

Judgement, Accuracy and Accountability Lacking at Detroit News

A column in the Detroit News relied on numerous factual errors to support its call for economic divestment from Israel, yet the newspaper is avoiding its obligation to correct the factual errors in its pages. Though it is legitimate for the paper to publish such advocacy in the opinion pages, it is not acceptable that it allow the false information to pass uncorrected.

Updated: The “Contiguity” Double Standard

After Israel approved building a new neighborhood in Ma'aleh Adumim, a few miles east of Jerusalem, many news reports wrongly indicated that such building would prevent Palestinians from controlling "contiguous territory" in the West Bank. 

NPR’s Robert Siegel Reacts (Badly) to Bias Charge

NPR Host Robert Siegel responded angrily to criticism of his coverage in a column by Andrea Levin that ran in the Jerusalem Post and was later circulated by IMRA, Independent Media Review and Analyis. Name-calling and insults featured in his rejoinder. The exchange follows:

Los Angeles Times Editors Fail to Distinguish Fact from Interpretation

Although opinion and editorial writers have more leeway than news correspondents, the Statement of Principles of the American Society of Newspaper Editors makes clear that they are not off the hook when it comes to the facts. Thus, while editorial writers are free to interpret the meaning of events, they are not supposed to misreport what has actually transpired. The Los Angeles Times did just that in a Feb. 22 editorial.