The Palestinian Authority pays terrorists and their families for their crimes—a fact that The Washington Post's "Fact Checker" does it's best to minimize and obfuscate.
Readers told that the United States and Israel cut off money transfers to the Palestinian Authority would be forgiven for believing that the United States and Israel are not transferring money to the Palestinian Authority. But they would be wrong. (See update noting WSJ correction.)
In an example highlighting NPR's biased news judgement, the network devoted a feature to lamenting the Congressional decision to withdraw funding for a Palestinian version of Sesame Street, but ignored the Mufti of Jerusalem's call to kill all Jews.
CAMERA's correlation of foreign aid to Palestinian homicides recently featured in an article by Daniel Pipes, "Fund Palestinians, A Bad Idea," has generated much comment and argumentation.
As Western governments meet in Paris to agree upon a massive new aid package for the new Palestinian government, a disturbing correlation between the amount of aid to previous Palestinian governments and the number of homicides committed by Palestinians warrants analysis.
The US and EU have begun massive infusions of aid to the Palestinian government. Past efforts using aid to promote Palestinian moderation and economic stability have not worked. Will this time be different?
Christiane Amanpour gained fame by using her role as a journalist to advocate on behalf of Bosnian Muslims who she believed were threatened by genocide. Now her brand of advocacy journalism is being applied to promote an anti-Western and anti-Israel narrative.
As Western governments meet in Paris to agree upon a massive new aid package for the new Palestinian government, a disturbing correlation between the amount of aid to previous Palestinian governments and the number of homicides committed by Palestinians warrants analysis.