Apartheid Canard,
BDS and Delegitimization

The Worst of Times

Op-Ed editors allow PLO advisor Michael Tarazi to demonize Israel with false charges about "colonies," water, citizenship.

UPDATED: San Francisco Chronicle Op-Ed Distorts Israeli History

In its extensive coverage of Israel's targeted killing of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, founder and supreme leader of Hamas, the San Francisco Chronicle included an op-ed by Arab propagandist Mazin Qumsiyeh. The column distorted Israeli history in several ways. (The same day, the paper ran its own similarly themed editorial, yet no opinion piece appeared carrying exclusively Israeli views of the Yassin killing.)

Critical Thinking: Can You Trust Everything You Read?

Current Events, a mini-magazine for middle school students which describes itself as "a leader in the educational field," carried a Special Report entitled "Will Violence Engulf the Middle East," which included many serious factual errors and distortions.

California Screaming

Throughout the United States, Jewish students have been facing a growing anti-Israel sentiment. Northern California has been no exception to this trend; campuses such as University of California Berkley, University of California Santa Cruz and San Francisco State have all seen speakers, books and protests that equate Zionism to a "colonial apartheid..."

National Public Radio Promotes Palestinian “Right of Return”

In yet another case of its promoting extreme anti-Israel views, America's most influential public radio network gave a platform to Allegra Pacheco on Weekend Edition Sunday (October 29) - where in an uninterrupted monologue, Pacheco denounced Israel as an apartheid, Jim Crow nation and excoriated Israel for policies that are routine in virtually every country in the world.