The Facts About Gaza Rocket Fire

The media often present a narrative biased against Israel, counterfactual and lacking in context. This is especially true now, as the world focuses its attention on Israel and Gaza. These are the facts.

Timeline of Gaza-Israel Cross-Border Violence

The Israeli Defense Forces "Pillar of Defense" Operation., was launched with the targeting of Ahmed Jabari, the leader of Hamas' terrorist wing. Many media outlets, however, forget the sequence of events that led to this operation.  CAMERA provides a timeline of events. We will continue to update this timeline.

Chris Hedges the Facts, Truth

On PBS' Bill Moyers program, Chris Hedges makes a number of revealing assertions about journalism, truth, and Israel coverage. Surprisingly, he emphasizes the importance of fact-checking, something that was sorely lacking in his own Gaza reporting.

The Christian Science Monitor and the Gaza Book Libel

Ruqaya Izzidien, who has contributed to the Muslim Brotherhood Web site, deceives and self-censors to breathe new life into the old Gaza blockade story, accusing Israel of stifling Gaza's intellectual life by making it difficult to import books. (And never mind Hamas's bans on books and newspapers.)

Ha’aretz Rocket Remix

For two consecutive days, Ha'aretz misrepresents the chronology of the recent escalation of violence in southern Israel and Gaza. The print edition falsely claims an Israeli strike on Gaza preceded the attacks on Mitzpeh Ramon and Ovda.

The New York Times Has Tunnel Vision on the Gaza Tunnels

The Times publishes a puff piece that ignores the insidious truth about the smuggling tunnels between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. Worse still, the story is yet another example of the editors' penchant for humanizing Palestinian Arabs while demonizing Israelis.

AFP Rewrites Post-Ceasefire Violence

AFP ignores Palestinian rocket attacks launched Monday, falsely claiming that until Israel killed Islamic Jihad fighter Ismail al-Ismar Wednesday night, Palestinian groups respected the truce.