Contrary to what the teen fashion magazine would like readers to believe, using extremely biased sources to tell a one-sided, anti-Israel story is not a Jewish value.
Media coverage of Israel is, with growing frequency, more comparable to activism than actual journalism. Indeed, as the Shireen Abu Akleh controversy highlights, journalists are failing to ask basic questions while simultaneously giving platforms and awards to activists masquerading as reporters.
If further proof were needed that the anti-Israel BDS campaign antisemitic, a venomous “mapping” campaign defaming and targeting Boston-area Jews provides stunning evidence.
The media is committed to fashioning a narrative in which Israel is wantonly assassinating journalists. A recent statement by the National Press Club, and several articles and tweets from the Washington Post, among others, proves it.
Amnesty International, having been given multiple opportunities to respond when directly presented with evidence that it inaccurately presented a key figure in its “apartheid” report against Israel, has gone silent.
One seeking any more proof of the antisemitism behind much of the obscene accusations of Israel being an “apartheid” state need look no further than the new United Nations (“UN”) report that will be presented to the UN Human Rights Council (“UNHRC”) on March 24.
By labeling Israel as a “colonial occupier,” the Palestinians and their enablers at the UNHRC are using the same antisemitic strategy they frequently employ at UNESCO to delink Jews from their indigenous homeland and their holy sites.
Amnesty International has recently made headlines for its anti-Israel report. But as CAMERA tells the Jerusalem Post its not the first time that the NGO's shoddy and biased reporting has had destructive results.
Israel is right to snub the U.N. COI, and the U.S. – as well as all fair-minded democracies – need to step up and put an end to this blatant antisemitism coming from the U.N. It's deeply concerning that they would allow their U.N. funding to be used for an inherently anti-Semitic initiative.