Allegations and Libels

Excessive Force and the Israel-Hamas War

The destroyed al-Salam Hospital in Mosul, Iraq after US bombing.

Israel's war against terrorist groups in Hamas-ruled Gaza has triggered the usual charges of illegal, disproportionate and excessive force, but the analysis shows that Israel has taken more care to protect civilians than legally required, and has acted more humanely than other countries engaged in similar battles, including the United States in Iraq, Panama, etc., and countries including the US fighting under the United Nations banner in Somalia. (Photo above Copyright 2017 Associated Press)

MSNBC’s Velshi Invents the Facts to Bash Israel

Ali Velshi spent much of his Sunday morning weaving a narrative of an evil Jewish state, threading together outright lies with material omissions to tell his false tale of a brutal, undemocratic apartheid state.

BBC’s Modern Blood Libel

After robust pushback by the Jewish community and organizations, the BBC has (semi) apologized for a modern-day blood libel put forth by one of its news presenters, Anjani Gadgil, who has since erased her twitter and linkedin accounts.

Anti-Jewish Libels Resurrected by Christian Clergy in Jerusalem

During Easter Week, the Latin Patriarch, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, continued the holiday tradition of making false accusations against Jews – this time in the guise of politically charged allegations against the Israeli government and police.