CAMERA Op-Eds and Letters

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Long History, and High Costs, of Palestinian Intifadas

As CAMERA highlighted in a recent National Review Op-Ed: For the Palestinian leaders who choose to promote them, intifadas are often self-defeating. Going back to the first intifada in the 1930s, anti-Jewish violence and terror often upsets the Palestinian political landscape—often sweeping aside, or weakening, the very Palestinian leaders responsible for inciting them.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The News Unfit to Print in The New York Times

Why didn’t NY Times editors find a story about antisemitic hate crime in New York City -- that most other media outlets covered --newsworthy? Was it because the identity of the perpetrator did not support the narrative of antisemitism emanating solely from Nazis, the far-right, and white supremacists?

CAMERA Op-Ed: The U.S. State Department Should Take Bernard Lewis’s Advice

The U.S. State Department's 2020 Human Rights Report on Iran has whitewashed the regime's 2019 massacre of protesters. And a recent U.S. Congressional Research Service report treats anti-Israel propagandist Edward Said as a credible source. Both entities should heed the historian Bernard Lewis's warning about confronting the past.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The U.S. Shouldn’t Resort to Sectarian Thinking

In a press briefing, the Pentagon spokesperson described armed groups attacking the U.S. and its allies as "Shia-backed." But as CAMERA noted in a Newsweek op-ed, these groups are Iranian-backed, and purposefully mislabeling them illustrates a dangerous way of viewing the Middle East.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Iran’s ‘Nuclear Fatwa’ is Nuclear Nonsense

Iranian regime operatives are, once again, claiming that a fatwa (religious decree) prohibits the regime from building nuclear weapons. And news media organizations are, once again, uncritically repeating this claim. But as CAMERA tells readers of The National Interest, this is a disinformation campaign