Denial Runs Deep in Hebron

The Spanish and British governments helped a Palestinian group erase the historical presence of Jews, Judaism and Christianity from the city of Hebron.

New York Times: “All the News That’s Fit to Conceal”

The New York Times holds its own skewed view of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, according to which Israel is always to blame. It tries to impose this perspective on its readers by carefully choosing which facts to present and which to conceal.

Anti-Jewish Violence in Pre-State Palestine/1929 Massacres

Attacks by Arabs against Jews in Israel pre-dates Israeli settlements, pre-dates Israel's so-called "occupation," and pre-dates the establishment of the State of Israel. On the 80th anniversary of  brutal massacres in Hebron and Safed (Gregorian calendar), CAMERA documents the oft-neglected history of Arab violence in pre-state Palestine.

The Debate About Israeli Settlements

Settlements established by Israel in territories captured in the 1967 war have become a matter of great controversy among pro- and anti-settlement advocates who debate the legality of such communities.