Human Rights Watch and its Tunnel Deceptions — Updated with UNRWA Confirmation

Human Rights Watch repeatedly scoffs at IDF claims that there are Hamas tunnels under Gaza, saying that HRW’s investigators could find no trace of these supposed tunnels. However, Israeli journalist Gal Berger reports that the UN is worried about such tunnels undermining their school's foundations, but Hamas is preventing UN experts from checking. If Hamas won't let the UN check for tunnels, did they really let HRW check?

Human Rights Watch Report Maligns Israel with Lies on Top of Lies

Human Rights Watch’s new report so full of errors and lies it is a disgrace, especially for an organization that claims – on the inside cover of the report – to “scrupulously investigate abuses” and “expose the facts widely.” For the abuses here were committed by Human Rights Watch, not by its habitual target Israel. It is time, at long last, for Human Rights watch to come clean and eliminate the hatred of Jews and Israel that are a cancer in the organization.

Human Rights Watch Goes to Bat for Hamas’s Al Aqsa TV

Journalists, academics and the public look to human rights groups for guidance in assigning responsibility for the violence and misery inflicted on civilians in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But objective information is not what they get.

Human Rights Watch Discredited Even By Its Founder

Human Rights Watch, the NGO that has become more famous for its obsessive attempts to delegitimize Israel than for its stated mission to promote global human rights, is becoming less and less credible. Now, even its founder and former chairman, Robert Bernstein, has publicly dissociated himself from that NGO's agenda.

CAMERA and Human Rights Watch: An Exchange

After a CAMERA article criticized Human Rights Watch for implying Hezbollah did not use the Lebanese towns of Srifa and Marwaheen as staging areas to attack Israel, HRW contacted CAMERA to challenge several of the assertions in the article. The HRW letter and CAMERA's response follow.

What is Human Rights Watch’s Agenda?

The U.S.-based, non-governmental organization (NGO), Human Rights Watch, is a self-appointed arbiter of human rights abuses around the world. Theirs would be a noble and worthy mission if it were carried out objectively, without regard to political or ideological agenda. Regrettably, this is not the case.