Although the Wilson Center promotes itself as "the nation’s key non-partisan policy forum," a piece by outgoing Fellow Laura Robson, masquerading as a scholarly analysis, puts forth a collection of hackneyed propaganda claims against Israel.
Like a sea of flapping flags proudly signaling national fervor, an abundance of articles and captions colorfully broadcast journalists' unabashed double standard when it comes to reporting on Palestinian versus Israeli nationalists.
The abandonment of ethical journalism in favor of partisanship reflects the open embrace of anti-Israel narrative which, like faith, is not dependent on facts. Under this paradigm, the historic fact of the ancient Jewish temples' location on the Temple Mount is massaged into nothing more than a matter of Jewish faith.
Following protracted communication from CAMERA Arabic, and in the wake of important steps to address anti-Jewish and anti-Israel bias at the network, Deutsche Welle completely removes a backgrounder about Jerusalem rife with errors.
The Ramadan jihad of 2021 was a violent campaign that was planned well before Ramadan and evolved into a full Hamas war with Israel that extended beyond the period of Ramadan. That war, in turn, became a tool to demonize Israel in the latest round of a hostile propaganda campaign whose goal is the delegitimization and eradication of the Jewish State.
Eviction of Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah who failed to prove ownership or show payment of rent as protected tenants are the center of massive international attention. Despite the sober responsibility to adhere to high standards of professionalism, journalistic performance is at times as spotty as residents' ownership bids.
Sinclair's foray outside local bounds and familiar playing fields into the distant Israeli-Palestinian arena spells coverage that is journalistically adrift.
In the eyes of The Los Angeles Times, Israeli plans to advance plans to build Jewish homes in Jerusalem are an "obstacle to peace" of the first order, demanding a page-one, 1,000 word story. The actual murder of an Israeli citizen and the arrest of dozens of terrorists with plans and means to inflict mass casualties is not a story at all.
At Reuters and AP, the Sheikh Jarrah players fill clearly delineated roles: The Palestinian families stand in a united front against Israel's usurping settlers. Internal Palestinian discord clashes with that tidy narrative and is erased from the selective frame.