Apartheid Canard,
BDS and Delegitimization

NPR Fabricates News Hook To Revive Apartheid Canard

With Israeli plans to apply sovereignty in parts of the West Bank in deep freeze since September, NPR relies on a flimsy pretext to level the baseless apartheid smear at the Jewish state, falsely claiming that the plan prompted an Israeli "debate" about whether West Bank Palestinians live under apartheid.

What Time Won’t Tell You About BDS

"Here's What You Need to Know About BDS" promises the headline of a Time explainer which abysmally fails to deliver, instead serving up a whitewash that grossly distorts the history, target and goals of the anti-Israel, antisemitic movement.

The Battle Over Defining Antisemitism

Antisemitism, history's oldest hatred, has re-emerged decades after the Holocaust in the guise of hostility toward Jewish nationalism and a Jewish state. There is an ongoing battle between those who aim to defeat such anti-Jewish bigotry and those who campaign to render it socially acceptable.

MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin Pushes False Narrative of Dispossession

Five years after commendably clarifying maps which falsely depicted Israel as having dispossessed Palestinians of their territory, MSNBC again pushes a false narrative of Palestinian dispossession. This time, Ayman Moyheldin conceals that the El-Kurd family faces eviction because they refused to pay rent for their Jewish-owned home in Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

Politico Plays Defense for Anti-Israel Groups

A recent Politico report on potential U.S. State Department efforts to declare faux human rights organizations antisemitic, omits crucial details. Indeed, even recent example of these organizations' antisemitism were left out by a reporter.

The BLM Movement and Antisemitism

The question of whether to embrace the Black Lives Matter movement and its leadership as a whole and ignore or dismiss anti-Zionism/antisemitism coming from within it as relatively inconsequential or to call it out for institutional antisemitism has become a point of contention within the Jewish community. What are the arguments on each side?

Foreign Policy’s Faux Pas on Boycotts, Israel, and ‘Annexation’

Foreign Policy claims to “draw on the world’s leading journalists, thinkers, and professionals” in order to “analyze the most significant international trends and events of our times, without regard to ideology or political bias.” But when it comes to recent coverage of Israel that is up for debate.