CAMERA Op-Eds and Letters
CAMERA Op-Ed: Scapegoating Israel
In the immediate after-shock of the devastating terror attacks on America, Israel-blamers paused only briefly before charging that Israel's alleged actions against the Palestinians and consequent Arab anger caused the mass murder of Americans.
CAMERA Op-Ed: The Diplomats’ Hottest Videotape
CAMERA Op-Ed in Wall Street Journal: “The Real Story on Israel”
Why has the Middle East peace process degenerated into undeclared warfare, with Palestinian suicide bombers targeting Israelis, and Israel apparently contemplating unprecedented retaliation? You wouldn't be aware of the facts if you wouldn't be aware of them if you got your information from much of the Western media.
CAMERA Op-Ed: The Rationalizing of Suicide Bombings
CAMERA Op-Ed: Washington Post’s Hockstader Pushes Palestinian Case
CAMERA Letter in St. Petersburg Times: Nazareth in West Bank?
CAMERA Op-Ed: Reuters Roots For the Palestinians
If any of the victims in the recent Palestinian/Israeli fighting deserved especially sympathetic media coverage, surely it would be 10-month-old Shalhevet Pas, shot dead in her baby carriage on March 26 by a Palestinian sniper, while her father, who was wounded in the attack, and her mother, watched in horror.