Palestinian Refugees

Reuters Corrects Inflated Gaza Refugees Figure

CAMERA prompts correction of a Reuters article which erroneously reported that "nearly all" of Gaza's residents are 1948 refugees or their descendants. In fact, that figure is closer to 70 percent.

Reuters Fixes Language on 1948 Palestinian Refugees, LA Times Doesn’t

Yesterday The Los Angeles Times and Reuters both departed from their usual language which acknowledges that among the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians displaced in 1948, some fled and some were driven out. While Reuters has updated, The Times has yet to address its misleading passage which noted only those who were driven out, ignoring the majority who fled of their own accord, often at their leaders' behest.

CAMERA Prompts AP Corrections on Palestinian Refugees

CAMERA prompts AP corrections after photo captions erroneously referred to "some 5 million Palestinian refugees who were displaced during the 1948 war" as receiving UNRWA's services. That figure is really under 30,000.

AFP Corrects Inflated Figure For Displaced Palestinians

CAMERA prompts a quick AFP correction after the agency incorrectly reported that "millions" of Palestinians were displaced. The wire service failed, however, to correct the false statement that Hamas revised its founding charter, easing its stance on the destruction of Israel.

AP Clarifies Jordan Refugee Numbers

The Associated Press published a clarification after having used language that dramatically inflated the number of Palestinian refugees who took refuge in Jordan.

CAMERA Prompts Corrections on Palestinian Refugees

CAMERA staff elicited corrections in the New York Times and in the International Herald Tribune concerning the number of Palestinian refugees from the 1948 and 1967 wars. An article appearing in both papers grossly overstated the figure.

CAMERA Prompts Washington Post Correction

CAMERA staff prompted the following correction Thursday in the Washington Post regarding an opinion piece which vastly inflated the number of Palestinians living in Gaza refugee camps: