CAMERA rebuts a Washington Post op-ed by two former U.S. State Department officials that incorrectly asserts that settlements are the chief obstruction to peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
A recent Politico report on U.S. policies towards "settlements" omits important history and wrongly claims that they are a "clear violation of international law." But as CAMERA noted in The Times of Israel, the truth is more complex than Politico's narrative allows.
There is no better illustration of the prevailing political advocacy journalism than the recent coverage of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s announcement about the current administration’s position on Israeli settlements.
CAMERA prompts correction at Deutsche Welle after an Op-Ed incorrectly reported that 600,000 Jewish settlers reside in the Gaza Strip. In 2005, Israel withdrew all of its approximate 8,500 settlers from Gaza.
A recent Washington Post Op-Ed is heavy on blaming Israel for the "occupation" but is light on facts. CAMERA highlights the context and information that The Post left out.
While other groups claim that Jews should not be permitted to live as a minority among Palestinians in the West Bank, Amnesty goes even farther, targeting the ability of Jews to travel there to see their own history.
CAMERA prompts correction after Haaretz incorrectly reported that Palestinians were evicted from their homes to make way for an archaeological attraction in Shiloh.
One America News Network (OANN), a conservative TV news network, tends to air fair and balanced coverage of the Palestinian conflict with Israel during prime time TV but not so at other times of day
Following communication from CAMERA, Haaretz removes a misleading characterization of Israeli settlements as "illegal" which had falsely implied that this was the position of President Bush, Sr.