Land Issues:
Israeli, Palestinian and Bedouin

‘Nightline’ Stonewalls on Balance Issue

An April 22 "Nightline" segment by Richard Gizbert conforms to a pattern which features interviewees sharing one point of view–opposition to Israel and/or its policies and sympathy to Arab concerns. In the following letter, CAMERA presses "Nightline" to produce the date of just one broadcast within the last year which was tilted towards Israel. Though ABC officials have in the past alleged that the program's record is "even on the whole," the network has yet to respond to CAMERA's simple request.

NPR’s Bias (And a $200 Million Windfall)

News that McDonald's heiress Joan Kroc has bequeathed $200 million to National Public Radio comes at a time when, unfortunately, the network continues to purvey distorted and agenda-driven Middle East coverage.

BACKGROUNDER: Land, the Palestinian Authority, and Israel

Following statements by PA Justice Minister Freih Abu Meddein and by Chairman Yasir Arafat that Palestinians found to have sold land to Jews will face the death penalty, at least 4 Palestinian land dealers said to have been involved in such sales were murdered.

After PBS Correction, Question Remains

After the January 1993 broadcast of Journey to the Occupied Lands PBS agreed that CAMERA's charges of material errors, distortions, and omissions would be extremely serious...if they were true.

PBS and Israel: A Pattern of Bias

Taxpayer-funded bias at PBS reached a low point with the broadcast in 1993 of Michael Ambrosino's Jouney to the Occupied Lands.

Read part one of CAMERA's exposé which ultimately led the network to withdraw the documentary for corrections.