Conflict and War

Queen Rania of Jordan

Open letter to Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan

An open letter to Queen Rania of Jordan, who in a CNN interview decried alleged Israeli "shelling" of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, raising the question of whether she is aware of how her late father-in-law King Hussein defeated a PLO uprising in Jordan by shelling and flattening Palestinian refugee camps, and expelling many of the survivors, including PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat, to Lebanon.

CNN Leaves ICC Prosecutor’s Questionable Claims Unchallenged

Media outlets, including CNN, cannot simply treat UN and ICC figures as neutral, unbiased sources whose claims can be left uncontextualized or unchallenged. In times of war, journalists must be extra careful, too. To do otherwise is to risk playing a part in Hamas’ cynical use of human shields and civilian deaths.

NPR Runs Interference for Palestinian Terrorist Regime

Focusing on NPR's coverage of a single incident – the deadly explosion that took place near the Al-Ahli hospital in Hamas-run Gaza – this detailed analysis is a case study of the methods NPR reporters use to bolster an anti-Israel narrative and run interference for Israel’s enemies.

CNN Deceptively Attributes Hamas Casualty Figures to “Aid Group”

CNN can’t help itself. Last week, the network was caught uncritically spreading Hamas’s propaganda that Israel struck Al-Ahli hospital on October 17th. A week later, CNN is back at it, once again spreading Hamas claims, but this time deceiving its audience into thinking the terrorist organization's casualty figures came from a legitimate, independent source.

Gaza Casualties: Journalists Must Exercise Care and Be Honest with Audience

Spreading Hamas propaganda without qualification or context is no different than uncritically airing Islamic State propaganda. Journalists must clearly articulate to their audiences that when they use Hamas casualty figures, they are relying on an internationally designated terrorist organization. The public should know those important factors that weigh on the credibility of such significant claims.