
AP Corrects: US Embassy Not in Tel Aviv After All

The Associated Press, which boasts "world-class journalism" and "global expertise," has been embroiled in a number of recent gaffes in its coverage of Israel and the Palestinians. The latest is a series of captions yesterday which misplaced the U.S. Embassy, moved to Jerusalem in 2018 amid great fanfare and controversy, back in Tel Aviv.

AFP Corrects Captions Which Misidentified Judaism’s Holiest Site

CAMERA prompts correction of multiple AFP photo captions which had erroneously referred to the Western Wall as "Judaism's holiest site." In fact, the Temple Mount is Judaism's most sacred site, which is why AFP usually does refer to the wall as "the holiest site where Jews can pray."

AP Corrects: There is Egalitarian Prayer Space at Western Wall

CAMERA prompts correction of an Associated Press article which incorrectly reported that there is no egalitarian prayer area at Jerusalem's Western Wall. Natan Sharansky's plan, abandoned by Prime Minister Netanyahu, was to upgrade and to expand the existing space.